School Dinners
School dinners are free for children in Reception and Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2). They cost £2.30 per day for children in the rest of the school.
Two portions of vegetables are served with every meal. Fresh fruit and a choice of salad from the salad bar are available every day, and we serve oily fish at least twice each month. Menus may be subject to change, depending on fresh supplies available. Menu changes will be notified via Class Dojo.
DATE OF INSPECTION: 27th November 2024
Payments for school dinners are made electronically via SchoolComms. Parents can top up their child(ren)’s accounts with whatever amount they wish – either for a week, month or other period of time or choose an amount to cover the dinners your child is expected to have.
Registers will be taken in class each day to check whether children are having school dinners or packed lunch. You will receive reminders when your balance is low and will need to top-up your payments.
We are a nut aware school. This means that no nuts are used in our menus and nuts or food containing nuts should not be brought into school as a snack or in packed lunch boxes.
We have adjusted our terminology to be 'nut aware' as we cannot guarantee a child hasn't eaten nuts or nut containing products before coming to school.
Free school meals are available for children whose families are in receipt of certain benefits. To apply online, please visit the FSM Applications page. The online application process will check your eligibility and you will receive an instant result.
Packed lunches: For those children who prefer to bring a packed lunch, please provide your child with a sturdy box that is big enough to hold a drink container. The box should be clearly marked with your child’s name.
We are a 'healthy school' and packed lunch boxes should not contain fizzy drinks, chocolate or products containing nuts - as outlined above.