Key contacts 2024-5
Safeguarding Key Contacts
- Designated Safeguarding Lead: Samantha Elliott
- Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Ruth Whitehead, Peter Dwight, Stacey Saxby, Sarah Gallagher, Rebecca Norfolk and Victoria Knight.
- Trust Strategic Lead for Safeguarding: Sarah Smith
- Governor in charge of Safeguarding: Michael Lucking
- Trustee in charge of Safeguarding: Kerry Linden
- School nurse consultant: Kayly Elmer
- School care Co-ordinator : Suzanne Schofield
- Child Sexual Exploitation Champion: Peter Dwight
- Home Office Accredited Prevent Trainer: Ruth Whitehead
- E-Safety Lead: Victoria Knight
- Essex Therapeutic Thinking leads: Sarah Lincoln, Stacey Saxby, Rebecca Norfolk, Samantha Elliott, Alex Birch, Sarah Gallagher
- Safeguarding Leadership team: Sammy, Peter, Stacey, Victoria and Rebecca who meet weekly.
- Workforce allegations: LADO referrals/Low level staff concerns: Ruth Whitehead
Any concerns regarding Safeguarding should be directed to Samantha Elliott or, in her absence, one of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads on 01206 825195
See also Whistleblowing policy /