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Relationships, Social, Health and Economic (RSHE) Education

At Market Field School, we are passionate about our pupils growing up to be safe, happy and healthy individuals who have the ability to build and maintain supportive and healthy relationships. Whilst recognising pupils’ individual needs and abilities, we strive to ensure that our pupils leave school with the knowledge, understanding and life skills to live healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential. We promote this through a comprehensive Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). These lessons are taught weekly throughout the school.


What is RSHE and why is it taught?

Our RSHE curriculum covers many topics including emotional intelligence, social skills, lifelong skills, healthy lifestyle and statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE). The aim of our RSHE curriculum is to develop the skills and knowledge to empower our pupils to make informed decisions during their school years and beyond.

When is Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) taught?

In most classes, this will be taught in the summer term, however, understanding and promoting healthy relationships will form part of your child’s day-to-day learning. You will receive further information about the content that will be covered specifically within Sex Education, prior to this being taught in your child’s class. Like all areas of our curriculum, in RSE, pupils develop their knowledge, vocabulary and skills as they progress through the Key Stages; therefore, our younger year groups will begin by learning the correct terminology for body parts to develop the foundations for learning that will follow in later year groups.


Can I withdraw my child from Sex Education?

Parents/carers with children in Primary schools have the right to withdraw their child from sex education (other than those areas which are taught as part of the Science curriculum). In addition to this, parents with children in Key Stage 3 and 4 have the right to request that their child is withdrawn from some, or all of sex education, up until three terms before their child turns 16.


Although parents/carers can withdraw their child from the sex education element or RSHE, we want to assure parents and carers that our curriculum is taught in a developmentally appropriate manner and provides pupils with the time to ask questions in a safe environment. The aim of these lessons is to ensure that pupils receive factual information rather than hearing content second-hand or via online platforms.


Can I request further information about RSE?

We are always happy to discuss any questions or concerns with you and will always be open and honest about our curriculum plans and the resources that we use. For further information, please contact Samantha Elliott (RSHE Lead) via the school office, or your child’s class teacher.


Please note that we currently use the Jigsaw PSHE scheme, but this will be changing in September; further information and documents about the new curriculum will be uploaded to this page soon.